Saturday, October 9, 2010

Still no strike

I thought this picture from the 1950s strike was pretty cool, from  This picture was taken in 1957, 3 years after the strike started!  Could you imagine going to the picket line every day for that long?

The picture was taken from the southeast side of Kohler, at the entrance off of PP.  If you know the area, it looks quite a bit different now.

I do have some pictures from Wednesday's informational strike, I will try to get them developed and up soon.  It was a pretty impressive event and a lot more people showed up than I think most anticipated.

Right now it appears that Kohler Company and the UAW 833 will be extending negotiations into next week at least.  That likely means that at least some progress is being made.  We'll see what happens next week.  At this time either side can break off negotiations with 48 hours notice.

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